Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Back In The Saddle

Well... it has been a very long time since I have sat down and written anything for this blog.  This can be attributed to a number of things.

First, I got married last month (exactly to this day) to the love of my life who has been supportive of my decision to open a practice out of law school.

Second, I went a 10 day honeymoon with my wife to the paradise of Belize which I suggest to anyone who is willing to give it a try.  However, it was after I returned from the trip that things began to run at light-speed.  Before I had left my law partner and I had managed to get the shell of our firm set up.  This included filing for and EIN and tax ID, filling for incorporation, developing a business plan, and submitting applications for financing or credit.

Everything was going great except that banks were unwilling to loan a start-up law firm ANY amount of money.  In retrospect, Scott (my law partner) and I were asking for a pittance, but that didn't matter.  Two brand spanking new attorneys were not going to receive any bank assistance unless they were able to put up a 1/4 of the start-up costs on their own.  So after battling with banks over that for a couple of weeks we decided to start with what we had.

I am proud to say that, despite the ups and down over the last two months, Yoo & Osborne, PLLC is open for business.  We are now launching a marketing plan that will cover a number of different demographics in our geographic area.  Our firm can handle any case that a small firm is equipped for including, but not limited to, DUI defense, family matters, business planning, wills/estates, and other civil matters.

Again, I would like to thank everyone for their support through this entire process especially my wife Shirley and law partner Scott.

Be on the alert for more blog posts in the coming days.

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